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  • March 7, 2022
  • 2-3:30 pm, Zoom
  • Works-in-Progress Series: Henry Snow
  • Henry Snow
  • "Exact to a nicety in calculations of profit and loss:' Global Anti-Blackness, Control Science, and the Rise of Industrial Capitalism"
  • Please join us for Henry Snow's works-in-progress presentation and workshop hosted by Insurgent Intersections: Combating Global Anti-Blackness. Henry will present their work "'Exact to a nicety in calculations of profit and loss:' Global Anti-Blackness, Control Science, and the Rise of Industrial Capitalism" for feedback, questions, and open dialogue. Please register in advance to receive a PDF of the paper. This event is part of the Spring 2022 works-in-progress series centered on the theme "The Roots of Global Anti-Blackness".


  • Bio:

    Henry Snow is a historian of labor, race, and gender in the Atlantic World. Their work asks how contemporary structures of inequality were formed in the long eighteenth century, how ordinary people fought back, and what lessons these struggles have for the present. Currently, their scholarship focuses on the role local conflicts in Atlantic ports played in three global transformations during the Age of Revolutions-revolution, abolition, and mechanization.

  • Watch a brief clip in which Henry discusses their work "'Exact to a nicety in calculations of profit and loss:' Global Anti-Blackness, Control Science, and the Rise of Industrial Capitalism", including its relevance to understanding anti-Blackness today.


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