Preapproved courses listed here may be taken for credit towards the Certificate without prior authorization if they are outside your home department.  Other courses are eligible with approval by the Graduate Director.  You may include disciplinary methodology courses as electives.  All students are required to take the Graduate Seminar in Africana Studies, typically offered in Spring semester. 


The required Graduate Seminar in Africana Studies offers an introduction to the modes of inquiry of the discipline, the practice of interdisciplinarity, and key issues within the field.  The course also features several conversations with faculty specialists in Africana scholarship from a variety of disciplines.  Students develop a research project related to their work in their major field utilizing the tools and scholarship of Africana Studies, and will also do one short post translating their scholarship into public discourse. Click here for a sample syllabus.


Spring 25: Preapproved Courses 

Subject Course Title Instructor
 Africana Studies  16:014:501  Graduate Seminar in Africana Studies (required)  Butler
 English  16:350:589 Black Ecological Imagination   Mathes




Performance Studies





 Black Ecologies

Violence and Geographic Thought

Seminar in African American History

Black Performance Theory







Fall 24: Preapproved Courses 

Subject Course Title Instructor
Anthropology 16:070:547 Globalization & Neoliberalism: Racial Capitalism Tompkins
History 16:510:554 Readings in Af Am Hist 2 Gill
History 16:510:574 Seminar in Af Am Hist 2 Alexander


Spring 24: Preapproved Courses 

Subject Course Title Instructor
English 16:350:579 19th C Af Am Lit & Cult  Wallace
Geography 16:450:610    Black Geographies Williams
History  16:510:532  Coloq Atlant & Afr Diasp  Fuentes
History 16:510:553 Readings in Af Am Hist  Alexander
History 16:510:572 Seminar in Af Am Hist    Dunbar
WGS  16:988:561 Black Fem Theory Cooper


Fall 2023: Preapproved Courses 

Subject Course Title Instructor
Africana Studies 16:014:501 Graduate Seminar in Africana Studies (required) Butler
English 16:350:589 Race & Transnational Perf in Americas Owens
Geography  16:450:618  Abolition Geographies  Pinto Ferreira
History 16:510:532 Colloq Atlantic African Diaspora/Modern Diasporas Burrowes/Butler
History 16:510:563 Colloq AfAm: Politics of Black Labor & Leisure Gill
History 16:510:574 Seminar in African American History Murch


Spring 2023: Preapproved Courses 

Subject Course Title Instructor
Africana Studies 16:014:501 Graduate Seminar in Africana Studies (required) Butler
Social and Philosoph Found of Ed 15:310:512 Race, Ethnicity, and Inequality in Education Clay
English 16:350:589 Studies in African-American Literature and Culture Ibironke & Wallace
History 16:510:554 Readings in African American History Murch
History 16:510:573 Seminar in African American History Gill
French 16:420:675 Studies in Francophone Literature: Francophone Afrofuturism Jean-Baptiste
Religion 16:840:594 Topics in the Study of Religion: Caribbean Religions Surowitz-Israel
Sociology 16:920:571 Topics in Sociology: Inequality, Health, & Population Mouzon
Professional Psychology 18:820:575 Diversity & Racial Identity Kelly
Social Work 19:910:527 Politics, Policy & Racial Justice N/A


Fall 2022: Preapproved Courses 

Subject Course Title Instructor
History 16:510:553 Readings in African American History I Dunbar
History 16:510:574 Seminar in African American History II Murch
History 16:510:541 Colloquium in Global History: Pre-Modern Race and Slavery Kelly & Seijas
History 16:510:563 Colloquium in African American History: Black Women's History Gill
Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies 16:988:561 Black Feminist Theory Cooper
Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies 16:988:526 Colloquium in WGSS: Black Queer Freedom Projects Decena
English 16:350:595 Postcolonial Lit & Cult: Space, Place, and African Lit Robolin
English 16:350:605 Black Feminist Poethics Shockley


Spring 2022: Preapproved Courses


Subject Course Title Instructor
Africana Studies 16:088:501 Graduate Seminar in Africana Studies (required) Butler







Slavery and the Black Feminist Imagination 

Geog Sem: Abolition Geographies & Transformative Justice

Colloq Afr Amer History





Fall 2021: Preapproved Courses 


Subject Course Title Instructor
Philosophy  16:730:582 Identity Politics   Darby
English 16:350:655 Black Futures Mathes
History 16:510:532 Colloq Atlantic & African Diaspora Fuentes
History 16:510:563 Black Internationalism Gill





Seminar in African American History





Spring 2021: Preapproved Courses 

Subject Course Title Instructor
Africana Studies 16:088:501 Graduate Seminar in Africana Studies (required) Butler
English 16:350:589 Race and Terror Edwards
English 16:350:655 Early Af Am Lit: Forms, Genres, Politics Jones
History 16:510:554 Readings in Af Am History II Gill
History 16:510:625:01 Colloq Af/Afr Diaspora: Africa & the African Diaspora: Slavery to BLM Brown

Fall 2020: Preapproved Courses

Subject Course Title Instructor
English 16:350:641 Race, Writing, Sound Owens
History 16:510:563 Colloq African American Hist White
History  16:510:53 Readings African American Hist Dunbar  

Additional Course Options: (upon petition and approval from Graduate Director)

Subject Course Title Instructor
History 16:510:539 Colloquium in Women’s and Gender History Fuentes
Latino and Caribbean Studies 16:195:610 Comparative Literature in Dialogue Maldonado-Torres

 Previous Semesters